Site Updates

Hello to all my beautiful readers. As some of you may have noticed, I have a new own domain name,! This is thanks to my wonderful sister at Let's segway into the second announcement. She graciously got me the domain name for hitting 1,000 views on my blog! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone! It probably seems like a small number to some of you, but I never thought my blog would be this well received. Expect some new posts in the near future, I've been a bit busy with school, but I'll do my best to update for all of you. Til next time, Edwin.

New Layout

Hey guys, I just overhauled the look and feel of my blog and I think it's a lot better. This layout allows me to have much larger thumbnails for photos. My sister and I came up with my new header, which describes my blog in pictograms. Check out her blog here! The only gripe I have about this new layout is the size of the text, it's a bit large, but it's not too bad. I hope you guys like this change as much as I do. Thanks again for reading and feel free to leave any feedback on the change of layout or my blog in general.

"After the jump"

Just a heads up for everyone that's been visiting my blog as of late. I've been noticing that the majority of you have been visiting my homepage and not clicking the "Read the rest of this entry »." Now, I'm pretty sure most of you have been visiting to see the photos from concerts I've shot. I only put one picture on the homepage to keep any slowdown of your computers to an absolute minimum (see how considerate I am? ^_^). You have to click through to see the rest of the photos. Okay, that was just a friendly reminder/lesson so that all of you could enjoy the photos to their fullest potential. Thanks again for reading.

Contest Entry and Updates

Hey guys, I just entered a Think Tank contest and I need your help. Please vote for my photo here. I will put up more details about the shot at a later time. I'm also in the process of going through and making minor changes on the photos from the Wiguna Project album release concert, so expect those in the next couple days.

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day.